W8 OIIEM Spirit Crossing Over Ritual

OIIEM Spirit Crossing Over Ritual

Before entering the space of paranormal activities: 

OIIEM Spirit Crossing Over Ritual is appropriate for known or unknown spirits at a remote location.

OIIEM Client Connection Protocol

Step 1:

Preparation – Duty of Care: 

Three Activations & Four Layers of Protection

Working within the protective space of the virtual Open Inward Sacred Temple

The First Open Inward Activation 

The Open Inward Activation also creates your FIRST LAYER of protection.

  • If you have a client present for the ritual, ask them to sit quietly while you prepare
  • Activate the Open Inward Sacred Space for yourself, your Client and your Spirit(s) in silence as in a meditation
  • Move through the Open Inward Listening Stations as you learned in OITEW.
  • Intentionally expand through each Listening Station.
    • Your goal is to become a potent mediator between your client/location and the spirit realm.
  • Within the Sacred Temple, recite the Kannon Invocation. 
  • Last, from your heart, invite your Mediumship Guide to join you. 

Kannon Invocation Opening Ritual

The Kannon Invocation creates your SECOND LAYER of protection

Recite the Kannon Invocation

Kannon Invocation

Great Cosmic Mother

Who swiftly comes when called upon

Who hears the cries of the world

Who holds the gates of heaven open for all to enter

Who tirelessly offers mercy, patience, hope, love and compassion

Who fiercely protects

Bestow upon me your great wisdom

Through your heart, guide me to have trust and faith to understand humanity

and to brighten my light so that I may make a difference

So Be It

It is Done

From your heart, silently engage the services and guidance of your Mediumship Guide:

I call upon the assistance of my Mediumship Guide (insert name if they have one).

Please guide these communications with the spirit realms and preserve the highest order. 

Please assist me in discerning any suspicious entities and help me to usher them out of the virtual temple.

Please open the Cosmic Door between earth and the Spirit Realms now. 

I call forth spirits related to (insert client name and or location) and invite you to make yourselves known to me now.

Hold steady and strong

Proceed with the Advanced Open Inward Self-Connection Meditation Practice

Step 2: Activate your Mediumship

The Second Open Inward Activation

The Advanced Open Inward Activation creates your THIRD LAYER of protection

Doing the Advanced Open Inward Self-Connection Meditation Practice you will tether yourself safely to the earth, expand and elevate your vibration and tune up your faculty as a psychic medium:

The Second Open Inward Activation

OIIEM Advanced Open Inward Self-Connection Meditation Practice: From Week One

  • Eyes closed
  • Do Zen breathes for a few cycles in a resting position (hands, palms down, placed over lower and middle Dantian)
  • Bring your chin to your chest, open your mouth and allow your jaw to hang
  • Focus on the base of your skull, telling the tissues to soften and spread
  • Set your intention on opening your Mouth of God/Zeal point 


  • Eyes closed still, look up to the middle of your eyebrows and inwards to the brain’s center. 
  • Focus your stimulating awareness on your 3rd eye/pineal gland.
  • Continue with a few more cycles of Zen Breath until you feel a shift in your consciousness.

Pineal Glad

Commence the journey through the Open Inward Listening Stations

Elevate your vibration: 

As you migrate through the Advanced Open Inward Listening Stations, focus on expanding your energy into the unified field, with each Zen breath in all directions.

  • Activate the First Listening Station to ground yourself; 
  • Once you reach the earth’s core, visualize yourself tethering your Silver Cord deep into the earth’s core.
  • Move to the 2nd Listening Station, and feel your lower dantian/navel center expanding. 
  • Move to the 3rd Listening Station, and feel your upper dantian/head expanding.
  • Move to the 4th Listening Station, feel your middle dantian/heart-expanding
  • While there, notice your Silver cord is attached to your middle Dantian/Heart Center.
    • Tug at the Silver Cord to make sure it is deeply rooted into the core of the earth
  • Move to the 5th Listening Station, focus on your clean (unconditional, no expectations) intention of elevating your energy to be in service as a psychic medium.

OIIEM Prayer of Readiness

“I am now in service as a clear channel of spirit. 

I submit that I have 100% trust and faith in my connection to the Unified Field. 

I intend to serve my client (insert name) and the spirit world from the highest for the best and highest outcomes. 

So be it; it is done, God speed. “

Step 3: Prepare the ‘working space’ for the OIIEM Crossing Over Ritual:

Identify your Working Space: 

  • Bring your ritual tools and intention
  • Enter the space preferably in the dark, (with minimal light, holding a candle), at a time that is known to express the most potent paranormal activity.
  • Use your psychic perception to validate and or adjust. Your goal is to determine the best place to perform the ritual for the highest outcomes. 
  • Once you have detected the ideal space, let it become your ‘working space’ where you will proceed with the final Open Inward Activation of the Sacred Temple. 

Identify the Cardinal Gates

  1. Using a compass, from the center of the working space, locate Cardinal West, East, North and South 
  2. Place a candle at each Cardinal Gate
  3. Place a vessel safe for burning paper in the South Gate
  4. Return to the centre of the sacred square and place a candle to mark “Earth”
  5. Begin recording with your digital recorder

Step 4: Open the Door to the Spirit Realm: 

OIIEM Prayer of Intention

Declare out loud:  

“I, (insert your full name) [and if appropriate (insert your client’s full name)], step forward now to connect with Spirit in truth, love, for the highest and best. 

I/We sincerely and gratefully welcome those Spirits who wish to connect with me/us for the highest outcomes for all concerned. 

So Be It. It Is Done. God Speed.”

Third & Final Open Inward Activation 

The Advanced Open Inward Activation creates your FOURTH LAYER of protection.

  • Creating a protective space for the spirits to enter, is still their choice
  • Move through the Open Inward Listening Stations as you would for yourself – an adapted version of the short client script.
  • Ground by speaking out loud (to be recorded) to document all intuitive seed thoughts (thoughts, feelings, images, sensations) received in the Open Inward Connection Meditation Practice at each Listening Station.
  • You may or may not detect any spirits during this activation. 
    • If it happens, you will need to manage them until you can give them your undivided attention. 
  • What to do: Acknowledge the presenting spirit immediately through your heart and let them know (silently/telepathically) that you will engage with them very shortly. 
    • If the presenting spirits are impatient, ask your Mediumship Guide to explain your Mediumship process and usher them into a ‘waiting room.’
      • Make a record at which listening station the initial spirit connection to you and any other early identification information and integration aspects on your mind map. 
      • Hold steady on your course through the listening stations to complete the ritual.    

OIIEM Client Connection 

(OITEW Short Script)

Stand in the centre of the Working Space

First Listening Station: Grounding

OIIEM Intention: 

Speak out loud:

Spirits and loved ones in the spirit world presently here [for (insert client name)], this is your Crossing Over calling. 

In the name of Jesus Christ, please come forward now and make yourself known.

As I stand here on the Earth, What is the quality of connection to the earth in regards to any spirits present and ready to Cross Over now?

  • Imagine you can feel the gravity, a downward pushing sensation, from the top of your head to the ends of your fingers and toes.
  • Use this downward pushing sensation to relax every part of your being
  • Relax your face
  • Relax down through your neck and drop your shoulders
  • Lift upwards slightly from the base of your skull from the back of your head, lengthening the back of your neck
  • Allow yourself to keep relaxing and following the pushing down sensation of gravity
  • Relax your whole body
  • Notice any tension anywhere and imagine gravity easing the stress
  • Relax your breathing
  • Feel your elbows being pulled down to the ground
  • Relax your belly, your spine
  • Bring your awareness to your pelvis
  • Feel your weight in your chair
  • Just imagine you can push that gravity into your hips so that they relax deeply.
  • Guide that downward pushing sensation of gravity down your legs, around your knees, deep into your calves, relaxing your ankles, pushing into your feet
  • Bring your awareness to the middle of the balls of your feet
  • There is an acupressure point there called Bubbling Spring
  • Just by thinking about it, you activate it
  • You might have a sensation
  • Imagine pushing your energy through that point deep and wide into the earth. 


  • When you are intuitively ready to proceed
  • Speak out loud to document your findings

Move to the West Gate

Second Listening Station:

Speak out loud:

Spirits and loved ones in the spirit world presently here [for (insert client name)], this is your Crossing Over calling. 

In the name of Jesus Christ, please come forward now and make yourself known.

As I stand here at the West Gate, what is the quality of connection to the dominant narrative of the spirit(s) present and ready to Cross Over now?


  • Speak out loud to document your findings

Move to the East Gate:

Third Listening Station:

Speak out loud:

Spirits and loved ones in the spirit world presently here [for (insert client name)], this is your Crossing Over calling. 

In the name of Jesus Christ, please come forward now and make yourself known.

As I stand here at the East Gate, what is the quality of connection to the realm of thought with the spirit(s) present and ready to Cross Over now?


  • Speak out loud to document your findings

Move to the North Gate:

Fourth Listening Station:

Speak out loud:

Spirits and loved ones in the spirit world presently here [for (insert client name)], this is your Crossing Over calling. 

In the name of Jesus Christ, please come forward now and make yourself known.

As I stand here at the North Gate, what is the quality of connection to the realm of emotions with the spirit(s) present and ready to Cross Over now?


  • Speak out loud to document your findings

Move to the South Gate:

Fifth Listening Station:

OIIEM Spirit Identification

Speak out loud:

Spirits and loved ones in the spirit world presently here [for (insert client name)], this is your final Crossing Over calling. 

In the name of Jesus Christ, please come forward now and make yourself known.

As I stand here at the South Gate, what is the quality of connection to the identity with the spirit(s) present and ready to Cross Over now?


  • Speak out loud to document your findings

Cross Over Now Phase

  • Read out loud the intention you and your client prepared before you began now
  • Place it in the vessel
  • Light it on fire and watch as it reduces to ashes

Boldly speak out laud:

“Earth to earth, ashes to ashes, dust to dust.” 

The burning of the ashes represents the completion of the transformation through the stations and gates.

From the Burial section of the first English Book of Common Prayer completed in 1548. This phrase does not come directly from the Bible, though it is derived from it. It refers to the human body returning to the earth after death. It means everything that has life will one day come to an end. We all return to dust, to particles, to stardust. 

This concludes the ritual. You will likely detect a release, lightness, light or peacefulness in the space.


  • Speak out loud to document your findings

Step 5: Return to ‘Earth” and an Alert State

Return to the center Earth position and collapse the Virtual Temple intentionally

The transition from an alpha meditative state into a beta conscious state

Gently Invite your Client to return to an alert state

Step 6: Check-in on the Client

Ask your Client: “How are you feeling? Do you have anything to share? 

If they feel balanced and peaceful, begin Step 6 – your reveal of the ‘intuitive findings’ from each Listening Station.

If they are processing (physically, emotionally, mentally or spiritually), slide seamlessly into (Pain) Stuck-Fear-Truth Technique.

“Tell me, what are you feeling right now?” 

When you have taken them through the (Pain) Stuck-Fear-Truth Technique, 

Step 7:  Closure Intention

  • Ask your client what was their biggest take-away and what was their biggest challenge? Document it. 
  • Thank them for their time and the honour of working with them at this intimate level. 
  • Intentionally break your connection to the sea of consciousness outside of your consciousness. 
  • During the session, you may have merged with energies, so it is crucial to break that connection. 
  • It is critical to restoring your energy at this point intentionally.
  • “Thank you (Insert Recipient’s name). I hope you found this helpful. Let’s bring your session to a close NOW.”


Don’t linger and socialize with your client after the session. Let them go and be with their experience. 

Step 8: The Client exits the session

Say goodbye to your ‘Client,’ close the zoom window and recite quietly or silently to yourself:

Closing Ritual

OIIEM Disconnection Prayer

“All consciousness, not my own, including spiritual energies, beings and souls that may have merged and connected to me during this session – in the name of Jesus Christ, according to Cosmic Law, 

you must leave my energy field now.”

“Conscious Higher Self, my Spirit Team, and my Mediumship Guide, please restore my energy field now.”

Feel free to create your own prayers!

Step 9: Take a Restorative energy shower:

Wash your field with white, pink and green light throughout your entire being. You intend to wash off all energy that does not belong to you.

Visualize while you recite:

“I restore my energy field with white, pinks and green flowing light from the top of my energy field down to the bottom of my energy field.

“Conscious Higher Self, my Spirit Team, and my Mediumship Guide, please restore my energy field now.”

Mindfully enter a space of gratitude and appreciation for the work you have just done.

Acknowledge your Trust & Faith in the assistance you have received with gratitude by silently saying a heartfelt Thank you to the unseen world of your Conscious Higher Self, your Spirit Team, Kannon, and Galactic Masters.

Consciously affirm that you have received what you asked for and more.

Now take a transition breath.

“My deepest gratitude to the unseen world of my Conscious Higher Self, my Spirit Team, Kannon, and the Galactic Masters. Thank you.”


Step 12: Ground Your Experiences

While your memory is still fresh, journal your experiences. 

Let’s review how the session went:

Feedback is about celebrating your challenges and successes!

I invite you to uninhibitedly, humbly ask for mentoring guidance where you would like to improve, such as where you struggled or got stuck but also to celebrate your wins too! Share where you felt like a work of art in motion! 

  1. What stands out as a win from today?
  2. What stands out as a strong aspect of your Mediumship?
  3. What stands out as a weak aspect of your Mediumship?