W6L1: The Three Primary Lies

The Three Primary Lies and 

Their Relationship to Our Pain and Suffering

The Self-Connection Meditation Practice is a pathway that potentially takes us into a state of greater self-discipline. In turn, this leads us to take greater self-responsibility. From here, we can move deeper into self-care and, ultimately, self-love. 

When we come from the awareness perspective of sabotaging our success in life (the Saboteur) (versus non-awareness), we can choose to transition to the state of Self-Connection. 

If we say to ourselves, “I keep getting triggered by someone or something,” this is a significant false belief that something outside of us is sabotaging our process. 

It’s always an inside job.

The Three Primary Lies & Reprogramming Statements

Primary Lie #1: I am not enough

New Primary Truth: I am enough

Reprogramming Affirmation:

It is good for me (insert name) and good for others when I believe I am good enough.

Affiramtion Bio-Signature:

Identify how the affirmation makes you feel, physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. 

Primary Lie #2: I can’t cope

New Primary Truth: I can cope

Reprogramming Affirmation: 

It is good for me (insert name) and good for others when I cope well with whatever I experience.

Affiramtion Bio-Signature:

Identify how the affirmation makes you feel, physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. 

Primary Lie #3: I am not lovable/likable

New Primary Truth: I am lovable/likable

Reprogramming Affirmation: 

It is good for me (insert name) and good for others when I believe I am lovable/likable.

Affiramtion Bio-Signature:

Identify how the affirmation makes you feel, physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. 

We Create Our Emotions

We create our own emotions, whether we like this fact or not. Therefore, we can’t turn around and blame our emotional reactions on something outside of us; we can’t be a victim of our own emotions; it’s like cutting your finger off and blaming the knife.

When you get triggered and immediately want to blame something outside of you for your pain, know beyond doubt that you have caused your problem. Your experience is your false belief at work.

You can always choose to stop your reaction, calm yourself emotionally and make inquiries about your experience when doing your self-connection meditation practice. 

  • I.e. “What am I feeling right now?” or “How does this make me feel?”
    • Lead yourself into the Stuck-Fear-Truth Technique
      • Thank the interruption for inviting you back into reality.

Liberation Comes From Self-Discipline

Your ideal vision of a perfect world is where everyone and everything run according to what makes you feel safe. The real world does not work like this.

When you believe you can’t control a situation, you are triggered and create a defensive emotional reaction to protect yourself from feeling the pattern of much older pain. 

Usually, one of the three primary lies is triggering you emotionally. An emotional reaction only becomes problematic when it is either excessive or suppressed, creating an imbalance in the state of being. 

Instead of feeling bullied and sabotaged by your reactions, realize this is an opportunity to jump onto a path to self-control and self–discipline, leading to self-responsibility, self-care, and self-love.

The Self-Connection Meditation Practice, as one of many self-connection paths, is an expression of devotion to the self on the highest level. 

Instead of trying to control your outside world, naturally, gently, lovingly self-regulate.

When you feel or believe you have been triggered, I invite you to self-connect and do your Stuck-Fear-Truth processing to get to the bottom of this old pattern. Look for unbalanced feelings such as anger, rage, anxiety, sadness, fear, hopelessness, and shutting down.

  • No one can cause us to have an emotional reaction. 
  • We are solely responsible for our emotional reactions and responses.

You have set your default from past trauma to feel safe, but now your default reaction does not serve or sustain you every time a set of similar events happens; you react this way, and it’s compounding and destructive to you and your life.

Dive into Stuck-Fear-Truth and create a spiritual disruption for yourself. It may be time for radical change in your belief system.

There is no worksheet for this lesson.