To maintain excellent Spiritual Hygiene and the Highest Standards of Integrity:
Your DUTY OF CARE is first to yourself and your Client.
Follow the GOLDEN RULE: Do unto others as you would have done unto you.
Follow the DIAMOND RULE: Go beyond the Golden Rule and imagine and act upon the thoughts and feelings (electromagnetism) from your most profound humility regarding the quality of treatment this person in your care deserves as a beloved, highly revered luminous being of light.
As the Medium, your most significant responsibility when connecting with another being at this level of non-personal, unconditional connectivity is not to project your unbalanced data.
Pay attention and document what and how you feel when receiving psychic data and communications from the Spirit Realm.
Psychic Information needs to align with the HIGHEST standards and the BEST FOR ALL.
When presenting psychic information and communications from the Spirit Realm to your Client (even when it is challenging or contrary or with conflicting emotions), share from a non-judgment and neutral mindset.
Presenting psychic information and communications from the Spirit Realm SHOULD always be about consciousness-raising, restoring balance, ascension, transformation and healing around disconnection, old stories and emotional loss.
Presenting psychic information and communications SHOULD speak to the Client’s heart, and NEVER arouse fear.
As a Medium you are always a SACRED WITNESS:
RED FLAG: When your fear comes up regarding the accuracy or sanity of psychic Information or spirit communications, this means that at that moment, you are not in alignment with your Conscious Higher Self, your Spirit Team and your Mediumship Guide.
Back up, breathe, deepen your connection to yourself intentionally, call upon your Conscious Higher Self to merge with your Conscious Self and validate this blending by asking for the activation of your Conscious Higher Self Bio-Signature.
The psychic Information must always come through love, not duality where you have black and white, judgment, fear, pain, damage, suffering or grief and so on.
Then, ask your Conscious Higher Self, “What is the best way to language this psychic information and or spirit communication so that it is appropriately and efficiently received by my Client, with compassion, joy and love.
Please don’t ask for validation, but remain open to receiving it when the Client is ready.
You have to discern that threshold for when the client is ripe and keep yourself in check so you don’t unconsciously begin to do a ‘cold reading’.
What is a “Cold Reading”:
The OIIEM style of psychic inquiry blended with mediumship often leads to validating evidence so trust the process.
Ask yourself when psychic data and or spirit communication is coming through: “Is the information evidential, healing and helpful?”
Be primed and self-aware of your electromagnetic field as you enter the virtual temple and prepare for your Client.
Be like a lighthouse, scanning the electromagnetic field, examining your senses, body, mind/knowing and spirit.
This is a body mind process, not an intellectual pursuit.
Train yourself to detect and discern the difference between receiving psychic Information, spirit communications and trying to sense with your mind where ‘cold reading’ enters.
Do this math equation in your head – 13×26.
Now, how does that feel?
Now tune into your heart or your life force.
How does that feel?
Now tune into your life force.
How does that feel?
Now tune into your place in the Quantum Field.
Feel infinite space behind you
Feel infinite space behind you
Feel infinite space in front of you
Feel infinite space to your left you
Feel infinite space to your right you
Feel infinite space above you
Feel infinite space below you
Zip down to the balls of your feet and begin gently pushing Bubbling Spring
Fill the quantum field with your energy
Find yourself in the centre of the quantum field.
I am nowhere. I am here.
How does that feel?
Pay Attention to your Breath:
When you are trying too hard to receive Psychic Information or spirit communications, you stop breathing.
Maintain a peripheral awareness of your breath.
Train yourself to let your breath flow. Keep breathing.
Use your awareness of your breath as a focus tool to stay riveted to the presence of the unseen world.
Use your awareness of the frequency output of your listening stations.
Intentionally shift as you need to self-correct to flow with dynamic electromagnetic energy more efficiently.
Use the connection through the Listening Stations to sit inflow while anchored to the middle of the Quantum Field.
Practice Presence of being:
Pay attention to what suddenly comes into your higher awareness; a little ball of string falls – pull on it. There is an interactive, interplay dynamic aspect of spirit communication that is experienced differently to psychic information.
Let it unravel; ask the source energy or spirit team to help you discern the psychic Information and spirit communications.
Silently, ask your Mediumship Guide and the Client’s spirit team to help you too.
Self-Connection work Versus Spiritual By-Passing:
Open Inward to Eternal Wisdom is firstly about cultivating a robust self-connection.
Spiritual bypassing is essentially not doing the work of self-connection but claiming its rewards such as a heightened level of self-awareness and so much more.
In reality, the deeper we can connect with ourselves, the deeper we can connect with others.
The deeper we connect to ourselves, the more efficiently we can shift from an imbalance into a better state of harmony.
We can self-correct back into our flow state with restored balance when we detect an imbalance.
To see the change happen/versus just recognizing when we are out of sorts we can use consistent intention, affirmation, new actions, and higher self-awareness to see results.
Open Inward Integrative Evidential Mediumship is about honing your skill as a psychic medium with advanced protocols and mentoring.
Seed Thoughts:
Energy becomes animated when these two qualities blend:
Electro (thoughts) + Magnetic (feelings)
Duty of Care to you:
If you are not feeling well, reschedule, work on yourself to rebuild your state of balance, doing what you can to be the most precise possible.
Believe you can connect to your Conscious Higher-Self (and your spirit team and your Mediumship Guide) (I believe Mindset).
Use a commanding intention with Conscious Higher-Self (and your spirit team your Mediumship Guide) and your recipient’s Conscious Higher-Self and spirit team.
I acknowledge “I am a spirit”, which is why this quality of inquiry is possible.
Intentionally shift your perspective into a vertical or right brain, soul awareness.
Intentionally practise raising your vibration (chant, dance, sing, meditate, prayer work, merit-building, focus your intention).
Importantly, expect to begin perceiving psychic data and spirit communications.
Always remain 100% present while channelling your Conscious Higher-Self, and your spirit team your Mediumship Guide and any spirits that present.
Remember, you need an unhurried and safe space to source the most appropriate answers from Conscious Higher Self your spirit team your Mediumship Guide, spirit team of recipient and any spirits that present.
When you detect an energetic pause in receiving psychic information and communications from the spirit world, move into a resting state, breathe and gently guide the communication to the next open question.
Your answers could be a word, a sound, a sensation, an image, a knowing or a vibrational signature full of data!
You need to be able to discern and unpack the data for the Recipient.
Document your findings as best as you can, taking the time you need without losing the connection.
Have trust and faith in yourself, Conscious Higher-Self, and your Spirit Team, even if you are unaware of them at various times.