Open Inward to Eternal Wisdom
OITEW Orientation
7 Topics
Orientation: Open Inward Heavenly Guardian
Orientation: Zoom Assistance
Orientation: Recommendatiotns
Orientation: Open Inward Psychic Dominance Evaluation
Orientation: Open Inward Best Practices
Orientation: Coaching Calls Archive
Orientation: Dyad Roster
W1: Laying down the first layer of your Open Inward Foundation!
10 Topics
W1L1: The Open Inward Soul Gift Discovery
W1L2: The Open Inward Self-Connection Meditation Practice Overview
W1L3: Preparation is Everything
W1L4: Box Breathing BreathWork
W1L5: Learn about the Five Open Inward Connection Meditation Listening Stations
W1L6: The Open Inward Self-Connection Meditation Practice Guide
W1L7: Self-Connection Meditation Practice Learner’s Script
W1L8: Perception as it pertains to Self-Connection Assignment
W1L9: The Deep Meaning of Yin & Yang
W1L10: Welcome to your first Dyad Exercise!
W2: Laying down the second layer of your Open Inward Foundation!
7 Topics
W2L1: The Cosmic Mother
W2L2: Dimensional Mindsets
W2L3: The Stuck Fear Truth Technique
W2L4: What is a GateKeeper
W2L5: The GateKeeper Dyad Exercise
W2L6: Dyad Observation Connection Meditation Practice Guide
W2L7: OITEW Connection Meditation Flow Chart
W3: Laying down the third layer of your Open Inward Foundation!
5 Topics
W3L1: Bodhisattva Kannon Ofuna
W3L2: The Four Forces Metaphor
W3L3: Deepening Your Understanding of the Open Inward Self-Connection Practice
W3L4: Resistance and Change Dyad Exercise
W3L5: OITEW Sacred Witness Client Experience Mindset Guideline
W4: Deepen Self-Perception, Upgrade SFT Technique + Short Script + Client Experience
6 Topics
W4L1: The Primary Intuitive Gifts
W4L2: Eastern Ideas on the Nature of Thoughts
W4L3: Invocation & Mantra
W4L4: Pain+Stuck-Fear-Truth Technique & Script
W4L5: The Client Connection Experience Dyad Exercise
W4L6: Introducing The Short Client Connection Script
W5:Turning deeper into the founding OITEW principles
5 Topics
W5L1: The Gravity of Gravity
W5L2: Wei Wu Wei
W5L3: Receiving & Perceiving Psychic Information
W5L4: The Client Connection Experience Dyad Exercise
W5L5: Week 5 Assignment
W6:Turning deeper into the founding OITEW principles
5 Topics
W6L1: The Three Primary Lies
W6L2: Kannon and her Dragon
W6L3: The Art of Self-Connection Higher-Self Inquiry
W6L4: Life Purpose Connection Process
W6L5: Life Purpose Connection Process Dyad Exercise
W7:Turning deeper into the founding OITEW principles
4 Topics
W7L1: Kannon Sacred Geometry
W7L2: Physics Explanation
W7L3: Harmonics Connection
W7L4: Harmonics Connection Dyad Exercise
W8:Turning deeper into the founding OITEW principles
6 Topics
W8L1: Spiritual Intelligence
W8L2: Symbolism and Metaphors
W8L3: OITEW Guiding Principles
W8L4: Birth Name Connection
W8L5: Birth Name Client Connection Dyad Exercise
W8L6: Helpful Downloads
4 Topics
C:OITEW Feedback Survey
C:Holy Spirit Spiritual Gifts
C:Capstone Preparation – Self-Evaluate your connection to the OITEW Navigation Tools.
C:Additional Practices to Assist in your Spiritual Awakening
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W2: Laying down the second layer of your Open Inward Foundation!
Open Inward to Eternal Wisdom
W2: Laying down the second layer of your Open Inward Foundation!
Lesson Content
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W2L1: The Cosmic Mother
W2L2: Dimensional Mindsets
W2L3: The Stuck Fear Truth Technique
W2L4: What is a GateKeeper
W2L5: The GateKeeper Dyad Exercise
W2L6: Dyad Observation Connection Meditation Practice Guide
W2L7: OITEW Connection Meditation Flow Chart
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